domingo, 14 de septiembre de 2014

Journal: Teaching as responsability

Journal 1
Carolina Cardona
Fundamentos de la lengua extranjera III


“Education is a process, which include family,society, Governmet and School” Carolina Cardona

Education is a term that had has many changes in the history of the humanity. The traditional education, active methodologies, meaning learning, modern education and digital education are some expressions that explain the evolution, the objectives and the finality of education in Colombia with the pass the time. The evolution of the education is represented with the investigation in the universities, institutes, schools; the changes in the evaluation by the State (pruebas saber pro for some grades 3°, 5°, 9° and 11°); inclusion of the people with physical and cognitive limitations in the class rooms; more options for the superior education (virtual courses and career, universities in the sub regions of the departments); changes in the hiring of teachers with the exam by State; technology in the away places; support  with the scholar restaurant, psychology, resources and curriculum.

The principal objective of education in Colombia has been to form integrally to the student with values and knowledge for the social and cultural development of the society, in any subject of teaching, but is important mention that depend the social context, the methodologies, the techniques and strategies and the teachers the education has a transcendental impact for the future of a population. And I want to stop when I do say that education depend the teacher because the role of the teacher in our country or in any country is very important, specially talking to the language, according to B. Kumaravadivelu in his text Beyond Methods: Macrostrategies for Language Teaching in the first chapter: Conceptualizing teaching acts, “The role of the teacher has been a perennial topic of discussion in the field of general education as well as in language education. Unable to precisely pin down the role and function of the teacher, the teaching profession has grappled with a multitude of metaphors. The teacher has been variously referred to as an artist and an architect; a scientist and a psychologist; a manager and a mentor; a controller and a counselor; a sage on the stage; a guide on the side; and more. There is merit in each of these metaphors. Each of them captures the teacher’s role partially but none of them fully.” Also, from a historical perspective, one can glean from the current literature on general education and language teaching at least three strands of thought: (a) teachers as passive technicians, (b) teachers as reflective practitioners, and (c) teachers as transformative intellectuals; to me is the most interesting the role of teacher as transformative intellectuals because is the better characteristic for that innovator teachers  that connect the pedagogical theory with the practice from social issues for that the students construct your own knowledge and apply it in a new experience, for example, a teacher suggest an activity to his students related it with biology, so the students can see the need to create a touristic guide about a place and to show the context, the different trees, different animals, native species, the opportunity to project this topic depend the teacher, against the idea is obsolete, so the teacher is not transformative.

Is probably that in any places of our country, the responsibility to teaching is just responsibility of the teacher, but this responsibility is of the family, society and State. According to the text “La mujer como educadora”, the family is the base of education, the school is a second place to educate, and in this point there are problems in our country because there are not responsible fathers and mothers, there is not authority in the homes, there is not respect and there is little communication. According to the Constitución Política Nacional de Colombia de 1991 and Ley General de Educación 115, education is a Human Right in Colombia, but incomplete, because in many places the students pay to study in comparison with others countries, here in Colombia in many sectors is necessary to pay for scholar restaurant, materials, transport, university, and others aspects.

Finally, is important to mention the mean idea about the document by Liliana Maturana: “The English teaching in Times of the National Bilingual Program in some state schools: Linguistic and Pedagogical factors”, the which show us the really about the preparation of teachers for elementary school, the which is not appropriate for education and teaching of English language as obligatory subject, this situation is very common in away places of our country as rural zone or in indigenous or afro communities. So, the role of Government as responsible of teaching is although constant training to teacher, oferring resourCes and educative material to teacher with quality.
Our role is indispensable, but the teaching is responsibility of everybody.

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